Truth and Democracy: The Dividing line in America today

Matthew Dowd
4 min readMay 7, 2021

We are emerging from a global pandemic with still more to be done on this and many other health issues, we are beginning to see light out of a dark economy with much remaining to be tended to, and climate change represents a world crisis that still is not solved, but the most important issue facing America is not any of these. Today, the gravest threat to our country and the globe is the attacks on our fragile and frayed democracy combined with a major segment of our citizens and leaders who no longer consider telling the truth a fundamental value.

This battle for our constitutional democratic republic and for truth is the most pivotal and crucial crisis facing America today. It is absolutely imperative that our leaders understand this, and focus their time and resources in a way that shows they know the issue of democracy and truth is the most important task to be done in this moment. We can solve the pandemic and have a humming growing economy, but still lose what so many have fought and many died for over the last two and half centuries.

Having task forces on the pandemic is great, and speaking about the health and economic concerns so many face today is important, but if we don’t get truth and our democracy in order than none of that will really matter for ourselves and our children and grandchildren. It is time we let go of the conservative vs progressive debate on issues — those terms have become quite meaningless and the differences seem insignificant compared to truth and democracy. The great dividing line in our country today is: on one side we have belief in a common set of facts, the common good, and a vibrant active expansive democracy, on the opposing side of this is the exact opposite. This is the most important fight in America today.

It is time to realize party labels and platforms are ludicrous if we lose our democracy and the ability to tell the truth and trust that facts matter. One political party, the GOP, has become an anti-truth, anti-democratic entity, and it is time we point that out clearly and strongly. It is not just a bug in the system of Republicans, it is a prominent required feature of the Republican Party. Thinking that a party overwhelmingly composed of these folks is not only being in denial, or delusional, it is also dangerous because it leads folks to believe that the party can be saved.

Yes, Representative Liz Cheney, Senator Mitt Romney, and Representative Adam Kinzinger should be lauded for standing on principle and speaking the truth about the dangers to our democracy and the reprehensible big lie, but at this point remaining in the Republican Party only enables and facilitates those in power who they are criticizing. If the Republican Party was to win the House and Senate back in 2022 it will rely on Republicans like Cheney, Romney and others to have a majority. And that will only support the lies and anti-democratic actions that exist today.

So what can Cheney, Romney, and others do in this moment that is more than just words? It is time for them to admit what has become of the Republican Party, state it clearly, and announce they have become independents. And then say they will not caucus with the Republicans and will decide every issue on its own regardless of party. It may cost them their elections, but it would send a shock wave across their current party that might finally force change.

Just think if two or three Republican Senators and 7 or 8 Republican Representatives made this move to becoming independent throwing off the shackles of the anti-truth anti-democratic Republican Party. It would not only make it nearly impossible for the current Republicans to achieve majority status in the short-term, it may actually cause positive change in the long-term, and it would actually enhance these new independents as a key swing constituency in Congress and dramatically highlight the importance of this paramount issue of our times.

I am asking Cheney and Romney to step up and see their party realistically today, and put actions behind their righteous words. I know what I am asking is tough and requires courage and the possibility of loss, but isn’t our democracy and truth worth it? As George R. R. Martin wrote in The Game of Thrones in the words of Maester Aemon, “We all do our duty when there is no cost to it. How easy it seems then, to walk the path of honor. Yet soon or late in every man’s (or woman’s) life comes a day when it is not easy, a day when he (or she) must choose.”

Today is a day for each of us to make a choice.

